
The team

The clinic



Outpatient operations


Modern anaesthetic procedures and refined surgical techniques make it possible to perform numerous surgical interventions on an outpatient basis. You arrive at the clinic in the morning on an empty stomach and can return home only a few hours after the operation. We only perform operations or treatments on an outpatient basis when this does not entail an increased risk for you or your child.

The surgical procedure and side effects of the medication and anaesthetics used may temporarily impair your reactions.

In the case of an outpatient operation, please observe the following code of behaviour:

  • You must ensure that you/your child are collected and accompanied from the clinic by an adult person who is able to care for you/your child in the hours that follow.
  • On the day of the operation, you are only legally competent to a limited extent and are not permitted to make active use of road vehicles or operate any dangerous machinery.

If you experience any complaints after the operation, please contact us by telephone or attend our outpatients department.

Please understand that in exceptional cases, you or your child’s discharge may be delayed or you/your child may have to be admitted as an inpatient. Such an exceptional event, should it occur, is in the interest of your own/your child’s safety.

Important information regarding outpatient operations (PDF)