
The team

The clinic



Urological Clinic Munich-Planegg

Error and risk management

As our patient, you want to be able to trust that you are in good hands when you come to our clinic for treatment. Of course, we are grateful to you for this and we do not want to disappoint you. You are at the centre of our endeavours and deserve the maximum possible degree of safety and quality of treatment.

As part of our certified quality management system, we have established a sense of active risk awareness in our clinic. Our aim is to detect and eradicate risks well before they have a chance to cause any damage.

In this way, we continually analyse and evaluate all our processes and their interfaces with regard to their risk potential. This enables us to identify risk areas at an early stage and initiate counter­measures.

In addition, we have introduced the CIRS (Critical Incident Reporting System) error report and learning system. This enables our employees to anonymously report suspected error sources and risks. Improvement potentials are then derived from these reports.

Moreover, we implement recommended medical actions and standards with regard to patient safety in our processes. For example, patient identification bracelets and standardised surgery checklists help us to systematically reduce the risk potential for our patients in the surgical sphere.