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Urological Clinic Munich-Planegg

How is a urethral stricture established?

The most important diagnostic procedures are the measurement of urine flow (uroflowmetry) in ml/s, which enables the objectification of a weakening in urine flow. An ultrasound examination provides information about the urination process and can be used to determine the residual urine quantity. In some cases, the position and extent of the urethral stricture can be determined sonographically. A more suitable method of illustrating the form of stricture is an X-ray representation using a contrast medium (retrograde urethrography CUG/UCG), whereby the urethra is injected with a contrast medium and an X-ray taken from the side. It may occasionally also be useful to create an X-ray image during urination, whereby it is first necessary to fill the bladder with the contrast agent. (micturating cystourethrogram / MCU).

It is additionally possible to perform a cystoscopy of the bladder, which permits better evaluation of the urethral stricture by endoscopic means. Cystoscopy also gives the urologist the opportunity to take tissue samples to exclude a rare malignant disease of the urethra (urethral carcinoma).